Hey! 2018 Photo Contest

Hey! 2018 Photo Contest

05.11.2018 | Camille Beuvard

We at Hey Iceland would like to invite you to participate to our annual photo contest for a chance to win fantastic prizes!


The theme for our 2018 Contest is Your most memorable moment in Iceland. Whether it is a night gazing at northern lights, an evening spent under the midnight Sun, a proposal, an epic blizzard, a thrilling adventure, a unique encounter, we know you have plenty of stories to tell and special instants you captured on your Icelandic journey. We would love to hear about them!


This year, we teamed up with the talented Icelandic design label Geysir to offer you:

  • 1st place: A gorgeous Geysir towel set plus a Geysir wool pair of socks, plus a range of Icelandic treats especially selected by our staff (book, sweets, etc.). Total value approx. 200€ 
  • 2nd place: A beautiful Geysir towel set plus a range of Icelandic treats especially selected by our staff (book, sweets, etc.). Total value approx. €150
  • 3rd place: A beautiful Geysir wool pair of socks plus a range of Icelandic treats especially selected by our staff (book, sweets, etc.). Total value approx. €100

Geysir Towel Set

© Geysir

Geysir Towel Set

© Geysir

Geysir Towel Set

© Geysir

Geysir Wool Socks

© Geysir

Are you in it to win it?

Nothing simpler! Follow our contest rules and submit your entry. Congrats! You are in to win one of the above prizes that will keep you warm and cosy this winter, and keep the connection with Iceland.

1. Follow us @heyiceland on Instagram

2. Post a picture on Instagram of your most memorable moment in Iceland, telling us the story behind the photo.

3. The deadline for entries is November 30, 2018

4. Use the competition hashtag #myheyiceland

🚨 Our jury will announce the three lucky winners on social media on November 30th. Good luck!

For more info about the contest and to enter, view our Contest Post on Instagram

Our winners!

Updated: November 30th, 2018

We are stoked to announce we've got our three winners! Congratulations to Samia, Stephanie and Jennie, whose experiences and photos give an accurate picture of Iceland: a place of wonders, surprises and all things extraordinary. With over 480 entries, you can guess we had a good time going through your fun and sincere stories, that say a lot about Iceland! THANK YOU!

1st place: Samia from Germany

2nd place: Stephanie from Germany

3rd place: Jennie from Sweden


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